Friday, April 22, 2011

Being home = shopping

All I do was LOL when I was in the urban outfitters in my suburban mall today. Who did these people think they were? Don't get me wrong, I love Urban and would encourage almost anyone to shop there....but really. There is something slightly wrong with having a hollister bag in one arm and loading up on Urban items in the other. For once in a long time I felt out of place in my jean jacket (straight out of my moms closet) an artizia floral cami, black leggings and my new Toms. A normal outfit for one of the city locations but nooooo. All these shoppers were in there Jcrew or typical brand names who probably wouldn't even be able to tell me what a hipster was. I hit the summer dress jackpot today. First, this floral dress is supercute. One of those dresses that only looks flattering with a black so I paired it with a black skinny one. A little more Jcrew then I usually do, but a nice change. I think it's supercute and a burst of color.
Next, I fell in love with this sleeveless Urban Renewal black and white polka dot dress. A mesh sweetheart neckline a perfect person for the straight black new yorker that I am. The ultimate fun twirling dress!
Last I was so so excited! Who knew that you could find such good American Apparel alternatives at H&M? As I have written I have been on the hunt for the perfect neon pink tee. This is exactly American apparel style that I can't wait to pair with high waisted levis in the summer.
More to come later! XOXXO

Monday, April 18, 2011

You can really be a celebrity?? check it out. No but really it is so cool.
I have to admit I found this on stumbleupon a couple of weeks ago while being bored in class and immediately had to find out more and blog about it! My favorite feature of the website? You pick a celebrity, probably one that you idolize their style of the most and find them under the list. I had a hard time choosing between Mary Kate Olsen, Kate Moss, and Nicole Ritchie but eventually I chose Mary Kate. Hey what can I say? Old habits die hard. After clicking on the celebrity you are shown a bunch of her well known and very stylish looks. Click on the one you love and get the look! Immediately items are shown that are very similar to the picture. Now I have to admit this website bares a very similar resemblance to the articles in Ok magazine and US Weekly that say get the stars look but who cares? It's fun and who wouldn't want to wear similar clothes to an Olsen twin? They also have an aspect of the website that you can just shop on from their many boutique carriers.

Now onto the biggest news of the century...why has the United States suddenly literally become revolved around the wedding of Kate and William. Now, as a extreme Lady Di lover I would never belittle a royal wedding, but please. Lifetime movies being made before they even get hitched? I can't help but release a little cackle about what would happen if the wedding never happened. There are already so many comparisons being made from Kate to Diana. In my opinion, Kate will never compare. Given, her natural beauty but not nearly as breathtaking or stylish as Diana. She would have to really throw herself through a hoop for me to even start to compare her to the style icon Diana became.

This is my favorite picture of Lady Di. A night of glamorous Hollywood charm while dancing with John Travelota at the White House ball. I kid you not I did not copy this statement from underneath a picture. I was so obsessed with Diana at one point I must have at least 10 books in my house just dedicated to her.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Did you know it was raining out?

If you live in the tri-state area you are probably inside tonight, unless you are really dedicated. As I sit here watching a great Julia Roberts classic, Erin Brockovich, I revisit how nice it can be just to chill at home and take a break from the past paced city life. My phone in the other room on silent, and just enjoying the sound of Julia and the rain...what could be better? I thought this was cool....
Anyway I just read a really interesting article on my favorite hipster store, Urban Outfitters obvs. click here to read the full article! But anyway it talks about how Urban Outfitters president is stepping down to take another job and in addition low sales for the past few months. Apparently we (yes I can say we because I am a former employee) admit to not following fashion trends that the rest of the world is following. SO NOT TRUE! As a consumer I love Urban for the fact that they stick to their own design perspective and only putting in some of the new trends out there. I love the fact that I can go in there a year from now and still know they will have a basic hipster style but also some of the new trends that you can find in Elle.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A few months late to the party?

Okay so it is finally spring break! It's a little weird considering all of my friends had there's at least a month ago, but were fashionistas we take a break when we can. Tonight was so nice just to relax in the dirty jersey back in the comfort of my favorite chains and real brand name non designer food. I got the idea from a friend to watch "The September Issue", which I have embarrassingly never seen before. Having got through the wonderful hour and a half of the movie, only being slightly interrupted by drunk videochats and bbms from friends (sup college) I learned my true love. No, I am not going to say Anna, but instead Grace Coddington. From the movie the knowledge that I gained was that Anna is an ice queen in the front, but yes I can believe that there is some warmth underneath those sleeveless floral dresses. I am now really interested to research about her daughter.  I couldn't help sitting here wondering how my life would have been if I had been the daughter to Anna Wintour. Grace on the other hand was portrayed in the movie as the overworked real operator behind Vogue. Through the documentary she was intensely put down by Anna continuously and then eventually did one small shoot right in the end. I would have never known that they had started Vogue at the same exact time. Has there every been a rivalry between them? Does Grace secretly resent Anna for getting the title that everyone in the world would die for?
Here are some future readings about the documentary:
ny times
but here's the real question: who is the bigger ice queen: Meryl or Anna?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pixie Market

Always being in the market for new online shopping sites I just found my new favorite through bleach black, a blog I loyally follow. Pixie market is a great mix of girly but a little attitude at the same time. Even if you can't afford the extremely pricey items or they have sold out by the time you get to them you can still take inspiration for future outfits. Check it out!
Here are some of my favorite looks from there: 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Embrace your inner satc

After rewatching all the old sex and the city episodes over the past week or so I have renewed my love affair with all of the favorites including of course Carrie Bradshaw. Since today was such a gift from mother nature I decided to let my hair grow natural and mix in a little hippie with 70's with some high waisted levis cutoffs. Those are my summer favorites I can already tell you now. They can be worn with shirts tucked in or out but will always look good.
With a sheer floral shirt taken from my suitemate kelly paired with a black bandeau, the high waisted levis and some blue moccasins I felt a little bit of my inner Bradshaw today. Sometimes you just get the urge to go out of your fashion comfort zone. XOXO

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Toms: Friend or Foe?

Okay so I saw my friends wear sandals out today for the first time in a long time....(yes I am rolling my eyes along with you reading this). It is a little soon but don't worry summer is just around the corner. Sitting here thinking about my camp summer job awaiting me when I get home in June I know my required shoe wear from the hours of 8 to 4 everyday are a pair of sneakers. Never being the type to be able to pull of the high tops last year I settled with converse with a little leather edge. The year before it was a pair of free city vans. Do I look like the normal sneaker girl to you? So this year leads me to the dilemma.. do I go with a statement sneaker again or something a little more versatile? This year's answer? TOMS. A quick celebrity fix for a while but they are still around a year later which leads me to think the transition from fad to staple is quickly occurring. The question still remains are these casual eco shoes really considered sneakers? Some pros to toms: The fact that when you buy a pair you help a child in need with a pair of shoes, they have so many different options. Now but here's the real you wear socks with these?????? Fashion girl needs help! Toms started with the simple colors and now are going as far as to offer pairs you could even (insert gasp here) wear to prom. Absolutely no clue that if I do decide to purchase a pair they will be in basic black. But still I can't decide....

Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting dressed?

So I don't really know what came over me yesterday but I decided to actually get dressed and care about my outfit. Have you seen this shirt in your latest shopping trip to American Apparel? It's a little pricey but definitely worthy. I bought this shirt for a random reason last semester never expecting to get that much use out of it, especially since it is white but after getting so many compliments on it yesterday I am definitely rethinking the style. Here's a picture of it to show you:
A Marc By Marc Jacobs patterned cardigan paired with the white American Apparel chiffon shirt paired with turquoise free people bandeau and black leggings. A cute outfit a little preppier than my usual but I was quite lovin!

Lazy Day

This horrible weather lately has me in such a haze. All I want to do is sit in bed and watch sex and the city all day long....literally. Why make the effort to get dressed if Carrie Bradshaw does it better? Current issue on my mind besides for the government shutdown? How Christian Louboutin is suing YSL for having a red sole on their heel just like the famous red that Louboutin is known for. Damn fashion battle? My opinion? even though it doesn't really matter I feel like YSL should just abandon the red for now. Although it is not a trademarked symbol officially everyone who is anyone knows that they are Louboutins. Okay I get the point YSL is just as prestigious of a fashion house....but just leave this fight alone.
Okay so one more Louboutin issue. Boy, these little heels can cause quite the stir. So after discussing this with others recently what is your opinion? Are these $700 dollar heels meant to sit in your closet on a shelf being prayed at every night or worn to the bare of their ruby soles? My opinion when I have a pair of these babies I will wear my heart own in them. What is the point of owning them if you can't show them off a little?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I am so obsessed with colorblocking right now. Especially with my shoe new love Pierre Hardy. A company that has only been around since the early 1999 the shoes have a way of being casual but could be dressed up. A simple shoe dying to be shown. Now if only the prices could be lowered about 700 dollars then I could afford them.

Supercute superfun and original! show me more please

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tommy Ton

So I have been a loyal follower of the Jak & Jill blog over the past year but I have a newfound obsession with his shoots on of street style. Is it his photography skills or just simply the beauty of the fashions he finds on the street? Note to self: wear more statement pieces over summer. After living through mainly my entire freshman year at fashion school I have learned that most of my clothes could come and go as they please but there are those true pieces that I will never be able to part with. Here's some of my faves from his shoot this week from Paris fashion week.
as long as studs will still be in i'll be all good...
Btw i told you floppy hats would be in!