Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sorry it's been awhile

Okay so there is literally no excuse why i have not posted in forever. Literally things have just been going by so fast that I haven't had time to think. In the past few months I have not only moved back home for the summer, finished up a fantastic second semester with an amazing gpa I am so proud to have earned, but a lot of new knowledge about friends, fashion, and culture from living almost one full year in the city. As I settle in back in the "not so fashionable" dirty jersey I will continue to blog now with more time on my hands. So let's start with how beautiful has this weather been recently? I have recently come to a serious realization with my wardrobe. The silkier a top or outfit is the more versatile I find and also how much more I love it. Take these four outfits for example featured on love everything about these colors, material, and accessories.

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